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Replacement Parts

Bulb Replacement

Fraud Fighter™ carries replacement light bulbs for our full line of UV Counterfeit Detectors. Depending on your model, we offer an 8-watt and 4-watt replacement bulb for our UV Counterfeit Detectors.

8-watt UV Bulbs (Model: T5UV16-POS15):
This bulb is the only authorized replacement part for the UV-16 and POS15 counterfeit detectors
4-watt UV Bulbs (Model: UVF-461):
For models UV-4 and HH-4 and also replaces bulbs for older models, such as the UV-8, and POS15 units produced before 2005

How to Order bulbs:

  •  Call us directly at 800-883-8822 and speak with a rep immediately!

Warranty Warning:

Be advised that some dealers unaffiliated with FraudFighter are selling the previous part number, UVF-861. This part has been discontinued and is no longer a valid replacement part for any FraudFighter counterfeit detectors. Use of any bulb part number other than T5UV16-POS15 – including the UVF-861 bulbs sourced from unauthorized dealers - would invalidate the warranty on your UV-16 or POS15 machine and could be hazardous.

Buy the right part and don’t invalidate your product warranty!

Parts and Accessories

We realize that sometimes you may need to replace a non-standard part for one of your Fraud Fighter™ products. Examples may be:

  • Power adaptor cord for CT Products
  • Replacement Drive Belt for FF-3000
  • Software Download cables

For any non-standardized part, please contact us at 800-883-8822 or support@fraudfighter.com and one of our customer support representatives will provide the assistance you need.