A payday loan company told us they had been consistently targeted by an organized crime ring leading to more than$700,000 in identity related fraud losses in less than two years.
Now, in cooperation with law enforcement, 48 individuals are in the middle of being prosecuted!
The business model for check cashing and payday loan companies expose them to a mixture of difficult to manage fraud and compliance issues and leaves them in need of check cashing fraud prevention methods. As De Facto banking centers, check cashers must adhere to many of the same regulatory guidelines as banks and credit unions, which are among the most regulated entities in the world.
Check cashing businesses risk expensive fines for non–compliance with regulations and must take steps to ensure that point of sale employees can effectively verify the identity of the individuals cashing checks. Check cashing companies often also act as personal financial service centers; offering wire transfer and foreign remittance services, selling cashier’s checks or money orders and accepting payment for utility and cable companies. This diverse mix of financial activities requires businesses in this industry to implement processes that can protect consumers and meet compliance regulations.
Failure to validate identity today many times leads to fraud, which is costly and directly affects the bottom line as such violations not only lead to direct fraud losses, but may also incur costly fines that can amount to tens of thousands of dollars alone.
FraudFighter™has an in–depth understanding of the check cashing fraud prevention environment and offers a diverse line of fraud prevention products that are easy to use, require little to no training and can aid in the validation of ID documents. FraudFighter™ protection controls stop fraud immediately and these state–of–the–art solutions can cost less than $100 per transaction counter.
Identity fraud is a bigger problem than ever - how do you know for certain clients are who they say they are? Let us show you just how easy it can be to authenticate identities.
CONTACT OUR FRAUD PREVENTION TEAM1743 S. Grand Ave., Glendora, CA 91740
(800) 883-8822
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